26 July 2011

CORE B 2011


This was a "cool programme!"says Dhiren from Table Mountain.

In the words of our Best Leader, "We are all part of one team and therefore all of us are the Top Leader on the course! One of the managers said "Knowledge is Power," well I say "Applied Knowledge is Power!" We now have the knowledge, so let us go and apply it in our workplace."

"The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude"

21 February 2011

CORE A 2011

What a start to the year!

The TOP TEAM - "The Red Devils" were suprised by their achievement... it just goes to show that consistency, stamina, a die hard attitude... and the odd running project with bonus marks, pays off!
All fun and games... and now the challenge of making a difference in your workplace!
You can do it!

13 January 2011

CORE D 2010

What an awesome end to an exciting 2010.
The course received a 10 out of 10 rating by the delegates!

The Top Team show off the spoils from their victory. The challenge for all the delegates is to continue looking at the mirror... continue improving....continue applying what they've learnt.... and continue working towards being the best leaders that they can be!
All the best for 2011!